Evaluate the following. Remember to use the order of operations

2-2 divde by (-2)

see the other.

answer is:


To evaluate the given expression, we need to follow the order of operations, which states that calculations should be done in the following order:

1. Parentheses
2. Exponents
3. Multiplication and Division (from left to right)
4. Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)

Now let's break down and evaluate the expression step by step:

Step 1: Evaluate 4 - (-3)
To do this calculation, we need to remember that subtracting a negative number is the same as adding a positive number. So, 4 - (-3) becomes 4 + 3, which equals 7.

Step 2: Evaluate 7 + 1
This is a simple addition operation, which results in 8.

Step 3: Evaluate 2 - 2 ÷ (-2)
Here, we have a combination of subtraction and division. To solve this expression, we need to perform the division first, as it comes before subtraction according to the order of operations.

First, let's evaluate 2 ÷ (-2):
When dividing a positive number by a negative number, the result is negative. So, 2 ÷ (-2) equals -1.

Now we substitute -1 back in the expression: 2 - (-1)
Again, subtracting a negative is equivalent to adding a positive, so 2 - (-1) becomes 2 + 1, which equals 3.

Therefore, the final result of the expression is 3.