Rita earned 45 points on a test.She lost 8 points, earned 53 points, then lost 6 more points. What is Rita's final score on the test?

45-8+53-6= 74

45-8+53-6 = ?

what is the answer 45-8+53-6

To find Rita's final score on the test, we need to add up the points she earned and subtract the points she lost.

First, Rita earned 45 points on the test.

Next, she lost 8 points, so we subtract 8 from the previous total:
45 - 8 = 37 points.

Then, Rita earned 53 points, so we add 53 to the previous total:
37 + 53 = 90 points.

Finally, she lost 6 more points, so we subtract 6 from the previous total:
90 - 6 = 84 points.

Therefore, Rita's final score on the test is 84 points.


