help me unscramble this word:


OOps -- that didn't work.

The word is LEGEND.

Thanks Ms. Sue,

I was doing some work with my son, he finally found it. Thanks.

You're welcome, Rose.

what's mean analyze

very helpful and fast

To unscramble the word "nedlge," one approach is to try rearranging the letters to form different words until you find a familiar word. Here are some steps you can follow to unscramble the word:

1. Start by examining the letters in the given word: "nedlge."
2. Look for any vowels present in the scrambled word. In this case, we have three vowels: "e," "e," and "e."
3. Consider the positions of these vowels in relation to the consonants. In this word, we have two consonants, "n" and "d," surrounding the vowels.
4. Try rearranging the vowels and consonants in different ways. In this case, some possibilities could be "neegld," "ngedle," or "edgeln."
5. Scan through the rearranged combinations to see if any of them form a recognized English word.
6. After trying various combinations, the correct unscrambled word for "nedlge" is "legend."

Remember, this is just one method to unscramble words. You can also use online word unscramblers or crossword puzzle solvers to assist you in unscrambling words.