A confidence intervel has a width of 50 units.

If the sample mean is 100,

The lower bound of the intervel is?

To find the lower bound of the interval, we need to know the level of confidence. A confidence interval provides a range of values within which we can be confident that the population parameter (such as the population mean) falls. The width of the confidence interval is the total range between the upper and lower bounds.

Assuming that the confidence level is not provided in the question, we cannot determine the precise lower bound of the interval. The confidence level is usually specified (e.g., 95% confidence level), and it determines the critical value used to calculate the width of the interval.

To proceed, we need to know the confidence level associated with the width of 50 units. Once we have that information, we can calculate the lower bound of the interval using the following formula:

Lower bound = sample mean - (critical value * standard deviation / square root of sample size)

Please provide the confidence level or any additional information to further assist you in calculating the lower bound of the interval.