The cost price of a Jean is Rs. 200 and marked price is 50% more than the cost price. But the shopkeeper sold it at 25% discount.

Find the marked price.
Find the discounted price.

I assume the answer is different if you went to a different school? Your school name is not your subject of study.

Unless your school is radically different from every other school in the world:

50% of 200 Rs is 100, so the asking price is 300. Add 100 to 200 = 300. If the shopkeeper sold it for 25% less, multiply 300 by 75%. Or find .25 of 300 an subtract that from 300. The marked price is 300. The discounted price is .75 of that.



The cost price of a jean is Rs.woo and marked price is 50% more than

To find the marked price, we need to calculate 50% more than the cost price.

Step 1: Calculate 50% of the cost price.
50% of Rs. 200 = (50/100) * 200 = Rs. 100

Step 2: Add the result from step 1 to the cost price.
Marked price = Cost price + 50% of cost price
Marked price = Rs. 200 + Rs. 100 = Rs. 300

Therefore, the marked price of the jean is Rs. 300.

To find the discounted price, we need to calculate the price after applying a 25% discount on the marked price.

Step 1: Calculate 25% of the marked price.
25% of Rs. 300 = (25/100) * 300 = Rs. 75

Step 2: Subtract the result from step 1 from the marked price.
Discounted price = Marked price - 25% of marked price
Discounted price = Rs. 300 - Rs. 75 = Rs. 225

Therefore, the discounted price of the jean is Rs. 225.