3/7 (4m-18) = 12

3/7 (4m-18) = 12

4m-18 = 12*7/3
4m-18 = 28
4m = 46
m = 46/4 = 23/2 or 11 1/2 or 11.5

3/7 (4m-18) = 12

first you expand it
12/7m - 54/7 = 12
12/7m = 138/7
12m = 138
m = 11.5

To solve this equation, you need to isolate the variable "m" by following the steps given below:

Step 1: Distribute the fraction '3/7' to the expression '(4m-18)'. This means multiplying each term inside the parentheses by '3/7'.

(3/7) * (4m) - (3/7) * (18) = 12

Simplifying this expression gives:

(12/7)m - (54/7) = 12

Step 2: Next, we want to get rid of the fraction, so we multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of the fraction's coefficient, which in this case is '7/12'.

[(7/12) * (12/7)m] - [(7/12) * (54/7)] = (7/12) * 12

On simplifying, the equation becomes:

m - (54/12) = 7

Step 3: Now, let's simplify further the fraction -(54/12) by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 6.

m - (9/2) = 7

Step 4: To isolate the variable 'm', we can add (9/2) to both sides of the equation.

m - (9/2) + (9/2) = 7 + (9/2)

On simplification:

m = (14/2) + (9/2) = 23/2

So, the solution to the equation is m = 23/2.