Jessie uses 20 liters pf gasoline to travel 200 kilometers, how many liters of gasoline will he use on a trip of 700 kilometers?

all of these problems are just direct variation. For this one,

20/200 = x/700

Now you try the others. Look for a constant ratio (direct variation)


To find out how many liters of gasoline Jessie will use on a trip of 700 kilometers, we can use a simple proportion based on the information given.

The given information tells us that Jessie uses 20 liters of gasoline to travel 200 kilometers. We can express this relationship as a proportion:

20 liters / 200 kilometers = x liters / 700 kilometers

To solve for x (the unknown number of liters for the 700-kilometer trip), we can cross-multiply:

(20 liters) * (700 kilometers) = (200 kilometers) * x liters

14000 liters * kilometers = 200 * x liters

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 200 kilometers to isolate x:

14000 liters * kilometers / 200 kilometers = x liters


70 liters = x

Therefore, Jessie will need to use 70 liters of gasoline on a trip of 700 kilometers.