Problem 3:

Consider water as the substance.
(a) Find the specific internal energy (Btu/lbm) when T = 500F and P = 375 psia
(b) Find the pressure (psia) when T = 500F and v = 0.02024 ft3/lbm
(c) Find the specific volume (ft3/lbm) when T = 500F and h = 1000 Btu/lbm
(d) Locate states (a), (b), and (c) on the P-v and T-v diagrams for water. Label states,
indicate appropriate lines of constant temperature or pressure, and show property values.
Answer: (a) 1152.5 Btu/lbm; (b) 1500 psia; (c) Not attached; (d) Not attached

and another, how do I go about this one?

Problem 4:
Answer the following questions. Provide justification.
(a) A rigid vessel of 1 m3
contains 10% liquid water and 90% water vapor by volume at a
pressure of 1 bar. What is the quality of the mixture?
0.1, 0.9, 0.0055, 0.9945 (possible answers)
(b) This rigid vessel is heated. Which of the following is(are) the possible phase(s) of the
substance after heating?
Saturated liquid-vapor mixture, Saturated liquid , Saturated vapor, Compressed liquid (possible answers)

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To solve these problems, you need to utilize the properties and relationships of the substance, in this case, water, as well as the relevant formulas and equations.

Problem 3:
(a) To find the specific internal energy (u) when T = 500°F and P = 375 psia, you can use a steam table or a water properties calculator. These tools provide tabulated data for various properties of water at different temperatures and pressures. Find the values corresponding to the given temperature and pressure and extract the specific internal energy value.

(b) To find the pressure (P) when T = 500°F and v = 0.02024 ft3/lbm (specific volume), again, use a steam table or a water properties calculator. Look for the values corresponding to the given temperature and specific volume to determine the pressure.

(c) To find the specific volume (v) when T = 500°F and h = 1000 Btu/lbm (specific enthalpy), you can employ the same methods mentioned above. Use the steam table or water properties calculator to find the values corresponding to the given temperature and specific enthalpy.

(d) Locating states (a), (b), and (c) on the P-v and T-v diagrams for water involves plotting the given values on the appropriate diagrams. The P-v diagram represents pressure along the vertical axis and specific volume along the horizontal axis. The T-v diagram represents temperature along the vertical axis and specific volume along the horizontal axis. Label the specific states and indicate the appropriate lines of constant temperature or pressure on both diagrams to visualize the data. Additionally, show the property values on the diagrams for each state.

Problem 4:
(a) To determine the quality of the mixture in the rigid vessel containing 10% liquid water and 90% water vapor by volume at a pressure of 1 bar, use the definition of quality (x) as the mass of vapor divided by the total mass of the mixture. Since the problem provides volume percentages, convert the percentages to mass percentages using the properties of water. Then, calculate the quality using the given relationship.

(b) To identify the possible phases of the substance after heating the rigid vessel, consider the phase diagram for water. The phases of water include saturated liquid, saturated vapor, compressed liquid, and the saturated liquid-vapor mixture. Analyze the given information about the initial state and the heating process to determine which phases are possible after heating. Provide justification for your answer based on the phase diagram and knowledge of the properties of water.