Create a sentence for the following words for a 6th grader:

1. partisanship
2. preconceived
3. subjective
4. blithe

Are you supposed to create one sentence using all four words, or four sentences?

four sentences, thanks

It's supposed to be four sentences

Sure! Here are some sentences for a 6th grader:

1. Partisanship: "Partisanship means having strong support for one political party or group. For example, if someone always supports and defends only the Democrats or Republicans without considering other viewpoints, they show a lot of partisanship."

2. Preconceived: "Preconceived refers to ideas or opinions that we already have before we have all the facts. It's like having a judgment about something or someone before getting to know them. For instance, if you decide you don't like a book just because of its cover, without even reading it, that's having a preconceived notion."

3. Subjective: "Subjective means that something is based on personal opinions or feelings, rather than on facts. It's like when different people might have different thoughts or perspectives on the same thing. For example, if someone says a movie is amazing while someone else says it's awful, it shows that their opinions are subjective."

4. Blithe: "Blithe means showing a casual or carefree attitude, without any worries or concerns. It's like being happy and lighthearted. For instance, if you're playing outside in the park and laughing without any worries, then you are being blithe."