Need to know if I have it right or not in the program please . Input a list of positive numbers (terminated by 0) into an array, find the mean (average) of the numbers in the array, and output the result. Use a subprogram to input the numbers, a function to find the mean, and a sub- program to output the result.

Declare Numbers [100] As string
Declare Average As Integer
Declare Count1 As Float
Call Input_Subprogram
Call Function Model
Call Output_Subprogram
END Program
Subprogram Input Model
Write “Enter a positive number.”
Write “Enter *,0 when done.”
Input Number[count1]
While Number != 0
Set Count1 = Count1 + 1
Write “Enter another positive number (enter *,0 when done)”
Input Number
End While
End Subprogram Input Model
Call Function Module
Set Average = (Number[count1] + number[count1] +1) / number[Count1]+1
End Call Function Module
Subprogram Output Data Module
Write “The Average is:” , Average
End Subprogram Output Data Module

well, did you actually try running it?

Not sure how do that but just write it out.

A car taken an average of 3 hours to reach a distance of 280 kilometers write a C program that will input a distance in meters and output how much time it will reach its destination?

Based on the provided code, it seems that there are a few issues that need to be addressed. Here's a step-by-step explanation on how to correct and improve the program:

1. First, let's define the necessary variables at the beginning of the program:
Declare Numbers[100] As Integer
Declare Average As Float
Declare Count1 As Integer

2. Next, you need to define the input subprogram to take the list of positive numbers from the user. It should store the numbers in the `Numbers` array until the user enters 0 to terminate the input:
Subprogram Input_Model
Write “Enter a positive number (enter 0 when done):”
Input Number[Count1]
While Number[Count1] != 0
Set Count1 = Count1 + 1
Write “Enter another positive number (enter 0 when done):”
Input Number[Count1]
End While
End Subprogram Input_Model

3. Now, let's define the function module to calculate the mean of the numbers in the `Numbers` array. Within the function, you need to sum up all the numbers and divide by the total count:
Function Mean_Calculation
Declare Sum As Float
Set Sum = 0
For i = 0 to Count1-1
Set Sum = Sum + Number[i]
End For
Set Average = Sum / Count1
End Function Mean_Calculation

4. Finally, define the output subprogram to display the calculated average:
Subprogram Output_Data
Write “The Average is:”, Average
End Subprogram Output_Data

5. Adjust the main program to call the subprograms in the correct order:
Call Input_Model
Call Mean_Calculation
Call Output_Data
END Program

By following these steps and making the necessary adjustments to your code, you should have a working program that takes a list of positive numbers, calculates their average, and outputs the result.