Wilma drove at an average speed of 35 mi/h from her home in City A to visit her sister in City B. She stayed in City B 25 hours, and on the trip back averaged 55 mi/h. She returned home 40 hours after leaving. How many miles is City A from City B



To find the distance between City A and City B, we need to calculate the distance traveled for each leg of the trip and then add them together.

First, let's calculate the distance traveled from City A to City B. We can use the formula distance = speed × time.

The time taken for the first leg of the trip (City A to City B) is given as 25 hours, and the average speed is 35 miles per hour. So the distance traveled from City A to City B can be calculated as follows:

Distance AB = Speed × Time AB
Distance AB = 35 mi/h × 25 h
Distance AB = 875 miles

Next, let's calculate the distance traveled on the return trip from City B to City A. The time taken for the return trip is given as 40 hours, and the average speed is 55 miles per hour. So the distance traveled from City B to City A can be calculated as follows:

Distance BA = Speed × Time BA
Distance BA = 55 mi/h × 40 h
Distance BA = 2200 miles

Now, let's find the total distance between City A and City B by adding the distance traveled in each direction:

Total Distance = Distance AB + Distance BA
Total Distance = 875 miles + 2200 miles
Total Distance = 3075 miles

Therefore, City A is located 3075 miles away from City B.