
How do I get the answer of:-6?

I do not understand your question. Are you asking what is the value of x if the equation above equals -6?

It says simply this expression

or if the equation equals zero, the steps to solve for x equals -6?




Thank you soooooomuch!

ok, let's simplify the equation first.

-12/3 x(-8+(-4)^2-6)+2
= -12/3 x(-8+16-6)+2
= -12/3 x(2)+2
= -4x(2)+2
= -8x+2
now, if -8x+2=-6, then subtract 2 from each side of the equation, then
-8x=-8, multiply each side by -1/8 then

Steve, do you think Shawn knows that you substituted 1 for x? I am asking because x sort of disappeared?


So, for -12/3x(-8+(-4)^2-6)+2= -6, then x must equal 1.

I think you used x for multiplication, rather than a variable. If not, then Shawn's solution finds the value of x which makes the equation true.

I was under the impression you were just trying to evaluate an expression.