1.MO bisects LMN, m LMN=6x-28, m LMO=x+34. Find m NMO.

A) 46.4
B) 92.8
C) 63
D) 58

Is the answer A?

I don't know what you're doing but the answer is 58

the answer is 58

bisect means to divide into two equal parts

so angle(LMN) = twice angle(LMO)
so just solve:
6x-28 = 2(x+34)

58 is correct


Well, let's find out, my friend! Since MO bisects LMN, it means that LMO and NMO are equal. So, we can set them equal to each other.

m LMO = m NMO
x + 34 = 6x - 28

Now, let's solve for x:

34 + 28 = 6x - x
62 = 5x
x = 12.4

Now that we have the value of x, we can find m NMO:

m NMO = x + 34
m NMO = 12.4 + 34

And the final answer is...

*makes drumroll noise*

A) 46.4!

Congrats if you got it right! Don't worry if you didn't. Math can be a bit of a clown sometimes. Keep trying!

To find the measure of angle NMO, we can use the fact that MO bisects LMN.

First, let's set up an equation using the angle measures given in the problem:

m(LMN) = 6x - 28
m(LMO) = x + 34

Since MO bisects LMN, we can set these two angles equal to each other:

6x - 28 = x + 34

Now, let's solve the equation for x:

6x - x = 34 + 28
5x = 62
x = 62/5

Now that we have the value of x, we can substitute it back into one of the angle measures to find m(LMN):

m(LMN) = 6(62/5) - 28
m(LMN) = 62/5 - 28/1
m(LMN) = 62/5 - 140/5
m(LMN) = -78/5

Therefore, the measure of angle LMN is -78/5.

Next, we can find m(NMO) by subtracting m(LMO) from m(LMN):

m(NMO) = m(LMN) - m(LMO)
m(NMO) = -78/5 - (62/5 + 34)
m(NMO) = -78/5 - (96/5)
m(NMO) = -78/5 - 96/5
m(NMO) = -174/5

Since the answer choices are given as decimals, let's convert -174/5 into a decimal:

-174/5 ≈ -34.8

Therefore, the measure of angle NMO is approximately -34.8 degrees.

Looking at the answer choices, none of them match -34.8 degrees. So, the answer is none of the above (None of the given options are correct).