In go Carolina by David sedaris what conflicts does the narrator face in his personal narrative?

To identify the conflicts the narrator faces in "Go Carolina" by David Sedaris, you can follow these steps:

1. Read or reread the story: Familiarize yourself with the text to understand the events and situations the narrator encounters.

2. Look for internal conflicts: Determine if the narrator faces any internal struggles within themselves. This can include emotional, psychological, or moral conflicts. Pay attention to the narrator's thoughts, feelings, and desires.

3. Identify external conflicts: Consider any conflicts the narrator faces with other characters, society, institutions, or external circumstances. Look for instances where the narrator experiences opposition, struggles, or challenges.

4. Analyze the story's plot points: Trace the significant events in the story and connect them to any conflicts that arise. Examine how these conflicts drive the narrative forward or impact the narrator's experiences.

5. Note any themes or motifs: Identify recurring themes or motifs that might suggest underlying conflicts. Consider the larger social, cultural, or personal issues that the conflicts may represent.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the conflicts the narrator faces in their personal narrative in "Go Carolina" by David Sedaris.

I'd advise you read the story to find out.