A car travels 480 miles on 15 gallons of gasoline. How many miles does the car travel per gallon?

My work Myself shows the answer is 32 mi/gal

What are the steps, though?

A car travels 480 miles on 15 gallons of gasoline. How many miles does the car travel per gallon?

The answer is 96


To find out the number of miles the car travels per gallon of gasoline, you need to divide the total distance traveled by the amount of gasoline used. In this case, the car travels 480 miles and uses 15 gallons of gasoline.

To calculate the miles per gallon (mpg), you would divide the distance traveled by the amount of fuel used:

480 miles / 15 gallons = 32 miles per gallon

So, the car travels 32 miles per gallon of gasoline. Your answer of 32 mi/gal is correct.

You are right.


