would one consider the molecule NBr3O to be nonpolar or polar? I feel like all of the dipole moments will cancel, when you draw the VSPER structure the Br atom in the plane and out of the plane cancel, however O going up and the Br coming out of the plane, ...I feel like the Br would have a greater pull, but maybe insignificant. I know NBr3 would be polar due to the lone pair on N.

To determine whether the molecule NBr3O is polar or nonpolar, we need to consider its molecular geometry and the polarity of its individual bonds.

First, let's determine the molecular geometry using the VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) theory. The central atom in NBr3O is nitrogen (N), and it is surrounded by three bromine (Br) atoms and one oxygen (O) atom. The shape of the molecule can be approximated as a trigonal pyramidal geometry.

Next, let's consider the polarity of the individual bonds. In NBr3, the N-Br bonds are polar due to the difference in electronegativity between nitrogen and bromine. Nitrogen is more electronegative than bromine, causing a partial negative charge (δ-) to be located on the nitrogen atom and a partial positive charge (δ+) on the bromine atoms.

Now, in NBr3O, we also have an N-O bond. Oxygen is more electronegative than nitrogen, so the N-O bond is also polar. Consequently, the oxygen atom will have a partial negative charge (δ-) and the nitrogen atom a partial positive charge (δ+).

Finally, let's consider the overall molecular polarity. While the N-Br bonds have a net dipole moment, the three N-Br bonds in NBr3 are arranged symmetrically around the central atom, canceling out each other's dipole moments. However, the N-O bond is not canceled out since it is in a different direction.

Taking into account the molecular geometry and the presence of a net dipole moment, the molecule NBr3O is polar. The polar N-O bond gives rise to an overall molecular dipole moment and makes the molecule polar.

In conclusion, the molecule NBr3O is considered polar due to the presence of a net dipole moment resulting from the N-O bond and the trigonal pyramidal molecular geometry.