Once implantation is complete, the developmingredients organism is called ? A.fetus b.zygote c.germ disk d. Embryo I am think c

To determine the correct answer, you should first recall the process of human embryonic development. Implantation refers to the attachment of the fertilized egg (zygote) to the uterus lining. After implantation, the developing organism goes through several stages until it reaches its final form.

Now, let's consider the options provided:

A. Fetus: A fetus is an advanced stage of development that occurs after the embryonic stage. It is characterized by the presence of the major body organs and systems. Since implantation is the initial stage of development, it would not be correct to refer to the developing organism as a fetus at this point.

B. Zygote: A zygote is the result of fertilization, which occurs when a sperm cell fuses with an egg cell. Implantation is the next step that takes place after fertilization, so the developing organism is not referred to as a zygote at this stage.

C. Germ disk: The term "germ disk" is not a commonly used term in the context of embryonic development. It doesn't accurately describe the stage after implantation.

D. Embryo: The correct answer is D. After successful implantation, the developing organism is called an embryo. The embryonic stage follows the zygote stage and lasts until the eighth week of development. During this stage, the basic structures and organs of the body begin to form.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Embryo.


If you do not know what zygote, embryo, etc., mean, look them up in a dictionary, or consult your text materials. Reading assigned text materials is a new idea, and it works!