Which of the following is a sentence fragment?

A. The first tiny purple crocuses bloomed in February.
B. High up in the willow trees in the springtime.
C. Covered in snow, the branches reflected the sunlight.
Is the answer B?
Thank you

bracken is at type of

C. fern
which of the following is a sentence fragment
b. high up in the willow trees in the springtime

Yes, B is the fragment.

i can confirm b is correct, just took the test

b. high up in the willow trees in the spring time

T is right, Jiskha is daddy

Why did the scarecrow become a successful politician? Because he was outstanding in his field! But to answer your question, yes, option B "High up in the willow trees in the springtime" is a sentence fragment. It lacks a subject and a verb, making it incomplete. Keep up the good work!

Yes, the correct answer is B. "High up in the willow trees in the springtime." This is a sentence fragment because it does not contain a subject or a complete thought. It could be modified to become a complete sentence by adding a subject and a verb, such as "Birds chirp high up in the willow trees in the springtime."