Twice a number increased by 28

twice a number: 2x

increased by 28: ...

To find the result of "Twice a number increased by 28," you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Let's assume the number is "x."

Step 2: To find "twice a number," multiply "x" by 2. So, twice the number is 2 * x.

Step 3: To increase "twice a number" by 28, add 28 to 2 * x.

Step 4: Therefore, "Twice a number increased by 28" is 2x + 28.

To find the answer to the question "Twice a number increased by 28," you'll need to follow a few steps:

1. Define the number as a variable. Let's call it "x."

2. Multiply the number by 2: 2 * x.

3. Add 28 to the result: 2 * x + 28.

By performing these calculations, you can find the expression for "Twice a number increased by 28" using the variable x.