1.2x10 to the 9th power gallons of water per day converted to gallons per second


To convert 1.2x10^9 gallons of water per day to gallons per second, you need to divide the total gallons by the number of seconds in a day.

There are 24 hours in a day, and each hour contains 60 minutes. In turn, each minute consists of 60 seconds. So, to get the number of seconds in a day, you multiply 24 by 60 and by 60 again:

24 hours * 60 minutes/hour * 60 seconds/minute = 86,400 seconds

Next, you divide the total gallons per day by the number of seconds in a day:

1.2x10^9 gallons / 86,400 seconds

To simplify this, you can convert the exponent notation to a standard number. In this case, 10^9 equals 1 billion:

1.2 billion gallons / 86,400 seconds

Finally, you can calculate the result:

1.2x10^9 gallons/day is approximately 13,888.89 gallons/second.