Need help finding thesis

When Bullying Turns Deadly: Can It Be Stopped?
In the past four weeks, four teenagers killed themselves after being harassed by schoolmates. Technology is quickly changing how kids bully one another. Here are some ways to stop the problem.

I think the thesis" is In the past four weeks, four teenagers killed themselves after being harassed by schoolmates.

That sounds about right.

I disagree.

The thesis should introduce the contents of the essay. I expect the essay to discuss ways to stop bullying by technology.

What didn't you understand from what Reed and I posted earlier yesterday for you??

The provided statement seems to present a situation rather than a clear thesis statement. A thesis statement typically states the main argument or the main point that the author wants to make in an essay or research paper. It should be concise, specific, and debatable.

To create a thesis statement based on the given topic, "When Bullying Turns Deadly: Can It Be Stopped?", you could consider the main argument or claim you want to make about the topic. For example:

"Although technology has changed the ways in which kids bully each other, effective strategies and preventative measures can be implemented to stop bullying and prevent tragic consequences such as teen suicides."

This thesis statement introduces the topic, acknowledges the impact of technology on bullying, and suggests that there are ways to address and prevent bullying-related tragedies.