we brought a block of un sliced of cheese on the same day, and isn't moldy at all

Of course not.

The fact that your block of unsliced cheese is not moldy on the same day you brought it can be due to several reasons:

1. Freshness at purchase: If you bought the cheese from a reputable store or cheese monger, they usually ensure that their products are fresh and have not been exposed to mold or other contaminants during storage and transportation.

2. Packaging: Proper packaging plays a vital role in preventing the growth of mold on cheese. Cheese is often sold in airtight or vacuum-sealed packages that help inhibit mold growth by restricting the entry of air and moisture.

3. Storage conditions: The way you store your cheese can significantly impact its mold formation. Cheese should be stored in cool and dry conditions to minimize the growth of mold. If you stored your cheese properly in the refrigerator, it would help maintain its freshness and inhibit mold growth.

Remember that mold growth is a natural process for many types of cheeses as they age, and it is not necessarily indicative of poor quality. Cheese varieties like blue cheese or Camembert are intentionally allowed to develop mold as part of their production process.

However, if you notice any signs of mold growth on your cheese after several days, it's best to discard it to avoid potential health risks.