In the state of Indiana, 192,031 people claim not to speak English very well. If this is 3.2% of the population of Indiana residents aged 5 years and older, estimate the population of Indiana residents aged 5 years and older. (round to the nearest person)

If 30.6 out of every 100 pregnant women in Indiana

deliver their babies by C-Section, how many pregnan
t women
out of 83,900 would be expected to deliver by C-Section? (round to the nearest woman)

To estimate the population of Indiana residents aged 5 years and older, we can use the given information that 3.2% claim not to speak English very well.

Let's set up an equation to solve for the population:

3.2% of the population = 192,031

To find the total population, we divide both sides of the equation by 0.032 (since 3.2% is equivalent to 0.032):

Population = 192,031 ÷ 0.032

Population ≈ 6,000,968.75 (rounded to the nearest person)

Therefore, the estimated population of Indiana residents aged 5 years and older is approximately 6,000,969 people.

To estimate the population of Indiana residents aged 5 years and older, we can use the given information that 192,031 people claim not to speak English very well, which corresponds to 3.2% of the population.

To find the estimated population, we can set up a proportion. Let's call the population we are trying to find "x". The proportion can be set up as:

(192,031)/(x) = 3.2/100

To solve for "x", we can cross multiply and then divide:

(192,031 * 100) / 3.2 = x

6,144,344.375 = x

Rounding to the nearest person, the estimated population of Indiana residents aged 5 years and older is approximately 6,144,344 people.

192,031 / 3.2 = 1% of the population

60,009.6875*100=total population
=6,000,969 people in Indiana