There are approximately 314 million people in the U.S. If the world population is 7.1 billion people, what percent of the world population is in the U.S.? (round to one decimal place)

.314/7.1 = 0.044 = 4.4%

To find the percentage of the world population that is in the U.S., you need to divide the population of the U.S. by the world population and multiply the result by 100.

First, get the population of the U.S., which is 314 million.

Second, get the world population, which is 7.1 billion.

Divide the population of the U.S. (314 million) by the world population (7.1 billion):

314,000,000 / 7,100,000,000 = 0.044

Multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage:

0.044 * 100 = 4.4%

Therefore, approximately 4.4% of the world population is in the U.S.