What are the two main reasons for "a wave of discontent directed at those who have represented (the people) over the decades" as discussed in the article?

the guardian article world 2014 apr 07 india-elections-nehru-gandhi-dynasty...

What do you think?


To find the two main reasons for the wave of discontent directed at those who have represented the people over the decades, you can read the article mentioned, titled "India elections: the end of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty?" published by The Guardian on April 7, 2014, in the World section.

To access the article, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your preferred web browser.
2. Go to The Guardian's website (www.theguardian.com).
3. In the search bar, type "India elections: the end of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty?"
4. Look for the article published on April 7, 2014, in the World section.
5. Click on the article link to access the full text.

Once you have the article open, you can read it to identify the two main reasons for the wave of discontent directed at those who have represented the people over the decades as discussed in the article.