A farmer wants to determine if a new fertilizer gives her a better crop yield than her old fertilizer. She spreads the old fertilizer in field A, which has a brand new irrigation system. She spreads the new fertilizer in field B, which has an irrigation system that will be repaired next season. At the end of the growing season, field A has a better yield. The farmer determines that her old fertilizer is the better fertilizer. This is an example of which of the following?

A.Cultural Bias
B.Personal Bias * my answer*
C.Data presentation error
D.Experimental Bias

Am I right?

It’s d

No, the experiment is confounded with the quality of the irrigation systems.

so what is the answer psyDag

its d period point blank.its d experimental bias.


Based on the given information, your answer of B. Personal Bias is not correct for this scenario. Let's go through the other options to identify the correct answer.

A. Cultural Bias: Cultural bias refers to the tendency to interpret or judge information based on one's own cultural beliefs or values. In this scenario, there is no mention of any cultural bias affecting the decision. The evaluation is based on the comparison of crop yields using different fertilizers in two fields.

C. Data presentation error: Data presentation error occurs when there are mistakes or inaccuracies in how data is displayed or communicated. Since the scenario does not indicate any issues with how the data was presented, this option is not applicable.

D. Experimental Bias: Experimental bias occurs when a flaw in the experimental design or implementation causes certain outcomes to be favored or disadvantaged. In this scenario, the farmer conducted a comparative study by using two different fertilizers in two different fields. However, there is a confounding factor that might impact the results – the irrigation systems. Field A had a brand new irrigation system, while Field B's irrigation system was in need of repair. This confounding factor introduces bias into the experiment, as it does not isolate the effect of the fertilizers alone on crop yields. Therefore, the correct answer is D. Experimental Bias.

In conclusion, the correct answer is D. Experimental Bias.

the answer is what ever is wright