Which of these is a step in constructing an inscribed square using technology?

Construct segment DB, segment CE, segment EG, segment GI, and segment ID.

Draw segments BR, RS, and SB

Identify the points of intersection between circle A and circle G

Mark the points of intersection between circle A and line AB***

what was the answer

@Writeacher, if you can please check my answer, that would be great! :)

You REALLY don't want me answering geometry questions!!

haha thank you anyway, I got it right. 100%! :)

Have a nice day! @Writeacher

Excellent!! Good for you!


mark the points of intersection between between circle A and line AB

To construct an inscribed square using technology, one of the steps would be to mark the points of intersection between circle A and line AB. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start by using your software or application to draw a circle, let's call it circle A, with its center at point O. Make sure to specify the radius of the circle.

2. Next, draw a line AB of any length that intersects the circle. This will serve as one side of the inscribed square.

3. To find the points of intersection, you can use the intersection tool in your software. Select circle A and line AB, and click on the tool to identify the points where the circle and line intersect. Let's call these points P and Q.

4. Finally, mark these points, P and Q, on your drawing. These will be the vertices of the square, along with points A and B.

Now you have successfully completed the step of marking the points of intersection between circle A and line AB, which is necessary to construct an inscribed square using technology.