what is an example of an apostrophe in great expectations-quote plus page number? also for bildungroman,interior monologue, juxtapostion

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An example of an apostrophe in Great Expectations can be found in Chapter 7, page 54:

"And when I went to put it on, one of the sleeves said 'Noo, Tairn't' and the other said 'Noo Tairn't,' so they wouldn't join. And I had to stand with a hand on each."

For the term "bildungsroman," it refers to a novel that focuses on the personal and moral growth of a protagonist. Charles Dickens' Great Expectations can be classified as a bildungsroman, as it follows the development and maturation of the main character, Pip.

An example of an interior monologue in Great Expectations can be found in Chapter 39, page 299:

"I thought I would go and get the dear child to come and kiss me, and then I thought you would come and kiss me, and then I thought you would go into the back kitchen and speak to Joe."

Regarding juxtaposition, it is a literary technique that involves placing contrasting elements side by side. An example of juxtaposition in Great Expectations can be found in Chapter 1, page 7:

"The shape of the letters on my father's, gave me an odd idea that he was a square, stout, dark man, with curly black hair."

Remember, it is always helpful to read the source material or consult reliable study guides like Sparknotes to find quotes and references from specific books.