On successive plays, the home football team gains 12 yd, loses 3 yd, loses 5 yd, gains 15 yd and runs 16 yd for a touchdown. What is the average gain or loss in yards per play?

12 + 15 + 16 - 8 = 35

35/5 = 7 yards average gain per play

To find the average gain or loss in yards per play, you need to calculate the total gain or loss in yards and divide it by the number of plays.

First, let's list the yard changes for each play:
- Play 1: +12 yd
- Play 2: -3 yd
- Play 3: -5 yd
- Play 4: +15 yd
- Play 5: +16 yd

Next, calculate the total gain or loss in yards:
Total = 12 - 3 - 5 + 15 + 16
Total = 35 yd

Since there were 5 plays, divide the total by the number of plays to get the average gain or loss per play:
Average gain or loss per play = Total / Number of Plays
Average gain or loss per play = 35 yd / 5
Average gain or loss per play = 7 yd/play

Therefore, the average gain or loss in yards per play for the home football team is 7 yards.