Thank you all for _____ _____ in our volunteer work.

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable expressions.

2. Put two English words in the blanks.

3. What are the appropriate words for the blanks? Complete the sentence by putting right words in the blanks.

Are the directions correct and commonly used? Which directions do we have to use?

"Thank you all for helping us in our volunteer work!" And I would use 2.

There you go hope it helps!

I would use 2 and maybe 3, but not 1. The word "expressions" implies phrases or sentences, not single words.

The directions provided in the question are not clear. Without specific directions or context, it is difficult to determine which expressions or words would be suitable for the blanks in the given sentence. Could you please provide more information or clarify the directions?

The given directions are correct and commonly used. They provide clear guidelines on how to complete the task. In this case, the directions ask for suitable expressions or English words to fill in the blanks and complete the sentence.

To answer the question, we need to think of appropriate words that would fit in the context of volunteering and expressing gratitude. Some possible options for the blanks could be:

1. Thank you all for your valuable support in our volunteer work.
2. Thank you all for your dedicated participation in our volunteer work.
3. Thank you all for your selfless commitment in our volunteer work.

These options convey appreciation and acknowledge the contributions of the volunteers in the sentence. However, there can be other suitable expressions depending on the specific context and the intention behind the sentence.