Can someone help me with these questions im a little confused

The state department of education requires that all high school teachers in the state receive training in Structured English Immersion methods (SEI). The purpose is to provide teachers with instructional ideas that help their second language learners be more successful at learning the content of their high school classes.
1. Here are some sample SEI recommendations. Connect these recommendations to cognitive learning theory by answering the provided questions for each recommendation.
a. Teachers are encouraged to use examples that are familiar to the students in terms of their life experiences. How would the concept of elaboration help explain this recommendation?
b. Teachers are encouraged to slow down the pace of their lecture and to repeat key ideas more than once. Why would an understanding of working memory help explain this recommendation?
c. When students are reading text, they are encouraged to ask themselves if they understood what they just read? If they do not understand, then they are encouraged to use approaches such as looking up unfamiliar words in a language dictionary (e. g. Spanish-English), or to write down questions to ask the teacher later, etc. How would the concept of metacognition help explain these recommendations for students’ textbook reading?
2. Although these teaching ideas were suggested for second language learners, do you think these are generally good teaching ideas? Why or why not?

You say that you're "a little confused."

Which parts do you not understand? We'll be glad to help you if you tell us more specifically which questions you need help with.

1a. The concept of elaboration can help explain the recommendation to use examples that are familiar to the students. Elaboration is a cognitive learning technique that involves connecting new information to existing knowledge. By using examples that are familiar to the students in terms of their life experiences, teachers are helping them make connections and relate new information to what they already know. This can enhance learning because when learners can relate new information to their existing knowledge, it facilitates understanding and retention.

1b. Understanding working memory can help explain the recommendation to slow down the pace of lectures and repeat key ideas. Working memory is the part of our memory where we temporarily hold and process information. It has limited capacity, so when teachers slow down the pace of their lectures and repeat key ideas, it allows students to better process and retain the information in their working memory. This approach recognizes the cognitive limitations of working memory and seeks to support learning by giving students more time to process and internalize the information.

1c. The concept of metacognition can help explain the recommendations for students' textbook reading. Metacognition refers to the awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes. By encouraging students to ask themselves if they understood what they just read and providing strategies like looking up unfamiliar words or writing down questions, teachers are promoting metacognitive awareness. This helps students develop a better understanding of their own comprehension and learning process, enabling them to take proactive steps to improve understanding, seek clarification, and engage in effective learning strategies.

2. These teaching ideas are generally considered good teaching ideas, not just for second language learners but for all students. The recommendations align with principles of effective teaching such as making learning relevant, addressing the limitations of working memory, and fostering metacognitive awareness. By using examples familiar to students, slowing down the pace, repeating key ideas, and encouraging metacognitive strategies, teachers can enhance learning for all students. These strategies promote engagement, understanding, and retention, regardless of whether students are second language learners or not.