The sides of a square are three to the power of two sevenths inches long. What is the area of the square?

nine to the power of four sevenths square inches

three to the power of four sevenths square inches

three to the power of the fraction four over forty nine square inches

nine to the power of the fraction four over forty nine square inches

3^(2/7) * 3^(2/7) = 3^(4/7)

To find the area of a square, you need to know the length of one side and then square it. In this case, the length of one side is given as "three to the power of two sevenths inches long."

To find the area, we need to square this length. Squaring a number means multiplying it by itself. In this case, we need to square "three to the power of two sevenths."

To simplify this calculation, we can rewrite "three to the power of two sevenths" as (3^(2/7)).

To square this, we multiply it by itself: (3^(2/7))^2.

When we raise a power to another power, we multiply the exponents: (3^(2/7))^2 = 3^(2/7 * 2) = 3^(4/7).

So the area of the square is equal to "three to the power of the fraction four over seven" square inches.

so 1.36873810664 equals....

three to the power of two sevenths inches long = 1.36873810664 inches

Why am I so weird?


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