evaluate 5(14-2^3)+ 8/2 =

5(14-2^3)+ 8/2 =

70 - 40 + 4 = 34

To evaluate the expression 5(14-2^3)+ 8/2 step by step, follow these steps:

Step 1: Evaluate exponentiation:
2^3 = 2 * 2 * 2 = 8

Step 2: Evaluate the expression inside the parentheses:
14 - 8 = 6

Step 3: Multiply 5 by the result from step 2:
5 * 6 = 30

Step 4: Divide 8 by 2:
8 / 2 = 4

Step 5: Add the results from step 3 and step 4:
30 + 4 = 34

Therefore, 5(14-2^3)+ 8/2 = 34.

To evaluate the expression 5(14-2^3) + 8/2, we need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division - from left to right, Addition and Subtraction - from left to right).

Step 1: Evaluate the exponent
In this case, we have 2 raised to the power of 3. Calculate that first:
2^3 = 2 * 2 * 2 = 8

Step 2: Evaluate the parentheses
Now we have 14 - 8 inside the parentheses:
14 - 8 = 6

Step 3: Perform the multiplication
Next, multiply 5 by the result of the parentheses:
5 * 6 = 30

Step 4: Perform the division
Now let's evaluate the division: 8 divided by 2:
8 / 2 = 4

Step 5: Perform the final addition
Finally, add the result of the division to the previous value:
30 + 4 = 34

Therefore, the evaluated expression is 34.