A field mouse eats 10000 g of leaves each year, among other things. Of each gram of leaves has absorbed 150 kj of energy from the sun, about how much energy is available for the mouse?


150,000 kJ

To find out how much energy is available for the mouse, we need to calculate the total energy absorbed from the sun by the leaves and then multiply it by the amount of leaves consumed by the mouse.

First, let's calculate the total energy absorbed by the leaves. We know that each gram of leaves absorbs 150 kJ of energy from the sun.

To find out how much energy is absorbed by the total amount of leaves, we need to multiply the energy absorbed per gram by the total number of grams of leaves consumed by the mouse annually.

Total energy absorbed by the leaves = Energy absorbed per gram x Total grams of leaves consumed

Total energy absorbed by the leaves = 150 kJ/g x 10,000 g

Calculating it, we have:

Total energy absorbed by the leaves = 1,500,000 kJ

So, the total energy absorbed by the leaves is 1,500,000 kJ.

Now, to calculate the energy that is available for the mouse, we simply need to multiply the total energy absorbed by the leaves by the number of mice:

Energy available for the mouse = Total energy absorbed by the leaves x Number of mice

Since you haven't provided the number of mice, I won't be able to give an exact answer. However, you can determine the energy available for the mouse by multiplying the total energy absorbed by the leaves by the number of mice.