1.Identity four environmental issues that cause ill-health to Madadeni community in Newcastle.

2.choose one issue from list as your topic and provide two brief descriptions of the issue.
3.Illustrate three ways how this issue can impact negatively to the health of people.
4.Discuss three practical measures to deal with this environmental issue that causes ill-health on a personal level.


This webpage lists five primary categories of such issues. You should study the page and determine which, if any, are present in your community.


Water pollution

1. To identify four environmental issues that cause ill-health to the Madadeni community in Newcastle, you can gather information through the following steps:

a) Conduct research on the Madadeni community in Newcastle to understand its geographical location, climate, and demographics. This can be done by using online resources, visiting local government websites, or consulting relevant reports.

b) Look for data or reports on the environmental conditions in Madadeni. This can include pollution levels, access to clean water, waste management practices, and exposure to hazardous materials.

c) Review the health records, hospital reports, or surveys conducted in the Madadeni community to identify health issues prevalent in the area. Look for any patterns or correlations between environmental factors and the health conditions reported.

d) Speak to local community members, health workers, or environmental experts who have knowledge about the Madadeni community. They can provide valuable insights into the environmental issues affecting the health of the community.

2. Assuming you have conducted the research, you can choose one environmental issue from the list. Let's take air pollution as an example. Here are two brief descriptions of the issue:

a) Air Pollution: The Madadeni community in Newcastle experiences high levels of air pollution due to industrial emissions, vehicle emissions, and residential fossil fuel usage. This leads to a variety of health problems, including respiratory issues such as asthma, bronchitis, and lung cancer. Additionally, prolonged exposure to air pollution can also cause cardiovascular diseases and impact overall well-being.

3. Three ways air pollution can impact negatively on the health of people in the Madadeni community:

a) Respiratory Problems: Air pollution can worsen respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and allergies. It can also cause new respiratory problems to develop in individuals who were previously healthy. The pollutants in the air irritate the airways, leading to inflammation and breathing difficulties.

b) Cardiovascular Diseases: Long-term exposure to air pollution increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, and high blood pressure. Tiny particles in polluted air can enter the bloodstream, triggering inflammation and affecting the heart and blood vessels.

c) Reduced Immunity: Air pollution can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections, allergies, and other diseases. Prolonged exposure to pollutants can impair the body's natural defense mechanisms, leading to frequent illnesses and longer recovery times.

4. Three practical measures to deal with the environmental issue of air pollution on a personal level:

a) Reduce Personal Exposure: Stay informed about the air quality in the area by checking air pollution indexes or government alerts. Avoid going outside during times of high pollution, especially for sensitive individuals such as children, the elderly, or individuals with respiratory conditions. Additionally, use proper protective measures like wearing masks when necessary.

b) Promote Sustainable Transportation: Reduce personal vehicle usage and encourage the use of public transportation, carpooling, cycling, or walking. By reducing vehicle emissions, air pollution can be significantly reduced. Supporting initiatives to improve public transportation infrastructure and advocating for stricter vehicle emission standards can make a long-term impact.

c) Contribute to Cleaner Energy Sources: Transition to cleaner energy sources for household needs, such as solar power, to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Participate in community initiatives promoting renewable energy and sustainable practices. By reducing the demand for polluting energy sources, the overall air quality can improve in the long run.