4. Which of the following behaviors might help you maintain good emotional and mental health? (2 points)

keeping a journal of your accomplishments and interests
keeping to yourself and not socializing with new people
maintaining friendships with people who really know you
completing your schoolwork

Keeping a journal of your accomplishments and interests

And you think it's ... ?

help me

To determine which of the given behaviors might help maintain good emotional and mental health, let's analyze each option:

1. Keeping a journal of your accomplishments and interests: This behavior can contribute positively to your emotional and mental health. By documenting your achievements and hobbies, you can reflect on your progress and feel a sense of satisfaction, boosting your self-esteem and overall well-being.

2. Keeping to yourself and not socializing with new people: Isolating yourself and avoiding social interaction can be detrimental to your emotional and mental health. Humans are social beings, and maintaining meaningful connections with others is crucial for a healthy mind. Socializing helps to reduce stress, increase happiness, and provide support when facing challenging times.

3. Maintaining friendships with people who really know you: This behavior is highly beneficial for emotional and mental health. Having strong relationships with people who genuinely understand and accept you can provide a sense of belonging, support, and companionship. These connections offer comfort during difficult times and contribute to overall well-being.

4. Completing your schoolwork: While completing schoolwork is important for academic success, its impact on emotional and mental health can vary. While the satisfaction of completing tasks can provide a sense of accomplishment, excessive academic pressure and stress can lead to negative effects. Balancing schoolwork with self-care activities and managing stress effectively is crucial for maintaining good emotional and mental health.

Based on the analysis, behaviors like keeping a journal of your accomplishments and interests and maintaining friendships with people who really know you are likely to help maintain good emotional and mental health. These behaviors promote self-reflection, self-esteem, support, and social connections, which are all vital for mental and emotional well-being.