I need help converting the degrees and fractions of degrees to degrees, arcminutes, and arcsecond (as in from W degrees to X degrees, Y arcminutes, and Z seconds). For example, I need to convert 24.3 degrees into degrees, arcminutes, and arcseconds. Can someone explain how it is done?

Sure! Converting degrees and fractions of degrees to degrees, arcminutes, and arcseconds is done by using a method called decimal degree conversion. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Start with the given value, which is 24.3 degrees.

Step 2: Take the whole number part of the given value as the degrees. In this case, the whole number part of 24.3 is 24, so we have 24 degrees.

Step 3: Multiply the decimal part of the given value by 60 to get the arcminutes. In this case, the decimal part is 0.3, so we have 0.3 * 60 = 18 arcminutes.

Step 4: Take the whole number part of the arcminutes and treat it as the arcminutes value. In this case, the whole number part of 18 is 18, so we have 18 arcminutes.

Step 5: Multiply the decimal part of the arcminutes by 60 to get the arcseconds. In this case, there is no decimal part, so we have 0 arcseconds.

Step 6: Write down the final result using the format: X degrees, Y arcminutes, and Z arcseconds. In this example, the conversion of 24.3 degrees becomes 24 degrees, 18 arcminutes, and 0 arcseconds.

So, 24.3 degrees is equivalent to 24 degrees, 18 arcminutes, and 0 arcseconds.