Determine the missing coordinate in the ordered pair so that it will satisfy the equation 5x + y = 1.



Find equation 7 x + 3y - 5 equals 0 find the missing coordinate of the ordered pair so that it is a solution

To determine the missing coordinate in the ordered pair that satisfies the equation 5x + y = 1, we need to first understand that an ordered pair represents a point on the coordinate plane, with coordinates (x, y).

Given the equation 5x + y = 1, we can substitute different values for x to find the corresponding value for y.

Let's solve for y when x = 0:
5(0) + y = 1
0 + y = 1
y = 1

Therefore, when x = 0, the ordered pair is (0, 1).

So, the missing coordinate is y, and it would be 1.