The pressure in the room also increased when the temperature increased, because pressure is ___________ to temperature.

p = ( n R/V ) T


Directly proportional

The pressure in the room increases when the temperature increases because pressure is directly proportional to temperature.

To understand why pressure and temperature are related, we need to look at the properties of gases. According to the gas laws, such as Boyle's Law and Charles's Law, the pressure of a gas is determined by its temperature.

When temperature increases, the particles of a gas gain kinetic energy and move faster. This increased energy causes the particles to collide with each other and with the walls of the container more frequently and with greater force. As a result, the gas exerts a higher pressure on its surroundings.

Conversely, when temperature decreases, the particles lose kinetic energy and move slower. This leads to fewer and less forceful collisions, resulting in a lower pressure.

Therefore, the relationship between pressure and temperature can be described as direct or direct proportionality because they change in the same direction: when temperature increases, pressure increases, and when temperature decreases, pressure decreases.