A car travels along a straight stretch of road.

It proceeds for 16.1 mi at 56 mi/h, then 24 mi
at 46 mi/h, and finally 36.9 mi at 37.3 mi/h.
What is the car’s average velocity during
the entire trip?
Answer in units of mi/h.

d = 16.1 + 24 + 36.9 = 77 mi.

T = 16.1/56 + 24/46 + 36.9/37.3 = Hours.

Vavg = d/T.

39.9 mi/h

To find the average velocity of the car during the entire trip, we need to use the formula for average velocity: average velocity = total distance / total time.

First, let's calculate the total distance. The car travels 16.1 mi + 24 mi + 36.9 mi = 77 mi in total.

Next, we need to find the total time. To do this, we calculate the time it takes to travel each segment of the trip and add them together.

For the first segment, the car travels 16.1 mi at a speed of 56 mi/h. We can find the time using the formula time = distance / speed. Therefore, the time for the first segment is 16.1 mi / 56 mi/h = 0.2886 hours.

For the second segment, the car travels 24 mi at a speed of 46 mi/h. Using the same formula, the time for the second segment is 24 mi / 46 mi/h = 0.5217 hours.

Lastly, for the third segment, the car travels 36.9 mi at a speed of 37.3 mi/h. Calculating, the time for the third segment is 36.9 mi / 37.3 mi/h = 0.9903 hours.

Now, we can find the total time by adding the times for each segment: 0.2886 hours + 0.5217 hours + 0.9903 hours = 1.8006 hours.

Finally, we can find the average velocity by dividing the total distance (77 mi) by the total time (1.8006 hours): average velocity = 77 mi / 1.8006 hours = 42.76 mi/h.

Therefore, the car's average velocity during the entire trip is 42.76 mi/h.