I have to write a comparsion essay comparing the two cities, London and Paris. What are their differeneces? Please help. What can some of my points be?

Please read the opening passage of this novel. What does Dickens say about the differences and similarities between Paris and London?

I don't have the novel. All I have seen in part of the Movie.

Please get a copy of the novel at your library.

This site may help.


When writing a comparison essay about the cities of London and Paris, it's essential to consider both their similarities and differences. Here are a few points you can include in your essay:

1. Historical and Cultural Significance: London and Paris both have rich histories and vibrant cultures, but they differ in terms of their past influences and artistic movements. For example, London played a significant role in the British Empire and has a strong influence on literature and theater. On the other hand, Paris is known as the "City of Lights" and has been a center of art and fashion.

2. Architectural Styles: London and Paris have distinct architectural styles and landmarks. In London, you can find iconic structures like Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the Tower Bridge, whereas Paris boasts landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and the Louvre Museum.

3. Culinary Traditions: London and Paris have unique food cultures. While London is known for its traditional English dishes such as fish and chips, Sunday roasts, and afternoon tea, Paris is renowned for its French cuisine, including croissants, macarons, baguettes, and a variety of cheese and wine.

4. Transportation Systems: London has an extensive underground subway system known as the Tube, while Paris has the Metro. Both cities have efficient public transportation systems, but the layout and organization differ.

Regarding your second question about what Dickens says about the differences and similarities between Paris and London in his novel, "A Tale of Two Cities," it is advisable to read the opening passage of the book to gain a comprehensive understanding. If you don't have access to the novel itself, you can consider visiting your library to obtain a copy. Alternatively, you can explore reliable literary websites or platforms like SparkNotes (http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/twocities/) to get a summary and analysis of the opening passage or any other sections you require for your research.