by 3 pm the temperature had increased by another 5 degrees. was the temperature at 3pm positive or negative


In a game that you are playing, your friend says that she

has 26 points “give or take” 4 points. You currently have
23 points in the game. Can you say who is winning?
Why or why not? Use a number line to explain.

i need help

To determine whether the temperature was positive or negative at 3 pm, we would need more information. The sentence you provided states that the temperature increased by another 5 degrees, but it does not mention the starting temperature.

If the starting temperature were already positive, then an increase of 5 degrees would still result in a positive temperature at 3 pm.

If the starting temperature were already negative, an increase of 5 degrees would lead to a negative temperature, assuming no other factors influenced the temperature.

In summary, without the starting temperature or any additional information, we cannot definitively determine whether the temperature at 3 pm was positive or negative.
