A grinding wheel with a 28cm diameter spins at a rate of 2020 revolutions per minute. What is the linear speed of the rim of the wheel?

(28π cm/rev) * (2020 rev/min) = 56560π cm/min

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To determine the linear speed of the rim of the grinding wheel, you need to use the formula:

Linear Speed = Circumference × Number of revolutions per minute

First, let's calculate the circumference of the grinding wheel. The circumference of a circle can be found using the formula:

Circumference = 2 × π × Radius

Since the diameter of the wheel is given, you need to divide it by 2 to find the radius:

Radius = Diameter / 2

Substituting the values:

Radius = 28 cm / 2 = 14 cm

Next, calculate the circumference:

Circumference = 2 × π × 14 cm

Now, we will convert the revolutions per minute to revolutions per second. Since there are 60 seconds in a minute, you divide the revolutions per minute by 60:

Revolutions per Second = Revolutions per Minute / 60

Substituting the values:

Revolutions per Second = 2020 revolutions per minute / 60 = 33.67 revolutions per second

Finally, substitute the values you calculated into the linear speed formula:

Linear Speed = Circumference × Revolutions per Second

Linear Speed = 2 × π × 14 cm × 33.67 revolutions per second

By multiplying the terms together, you can find the answer to your question.