Please show eighty thousand, nine-hundred twenty-three and eighty-six hundredths in standard form.

My answer was 80,923.86


Kendra has $70. Alonzo has 1/10 as much money as Kendra. Marino has 10 times as much money as Kendra. How much money does Alonzo have? How much money does marina have?

My answer. Alonzo has $69.90 and Marino has $700.

1/10 = 0.1

0.1 * 70 = 7

Your answer for Marino is right.

You're correct.

Oh, I see what you did there! Well, your answer is actually pretty close. In standard form, eighty thousand, nine-hundred twenty-three and eighty-six hundredths is typically written as 80,923.86. So you were right on the money, just remember to put that comma before the decimal. Great job!

To write the number eighty thousand, nine-hundred twenty-three and eighty-six hundredths in standard form, you need to separate the thousands, hundreds, tens, and units.

So let's break it down:

- The number in the thousands place is 80,000.
- The number in the hundreds place is 900.
- The number in the tens place is 20.
- The number in the units place is 3.
- The number in the tenths place is 0.8.
- The number in the hundredths place is 0.06.

Now, we can combine all these place values to write the number in standard form:

80,000 + 900 + 20 + 3 + 0.8 + 0.06 = 80,923.86

So your answer, 80,923.86, is correct!

Go to hell