how do i find the formula for this problem, i can't even find an example of it in my text book.

A conservationalist wants to find out how many deer are in a preserve. The conservationalist tags 634 deer then releases them. Later, she comes back and catches 342 deer, but 171 of them are already tagged. how many deer are in the preserve?

I have trouble with word problems they are the worst! please help me!!!

It's not an exact calculation here that the conservationist is doing, but producing an estimate. What she's discovered is that approximately 50% of the deer in the park (171 out of a sample of 342) have now been tagged. So her original 634 deer ought to be about half the population of the park.

It's referred to as the "mark-and-recapture" technique: you can find it under "Mark and Recapture" in Wikipedia, together with examples of the math involved.

Thank you to everyone who responded this helps a lot!

I understand that word problems can sometimes be challenging. Don't worry, I'm here to help you break it down and find a solution!

To find the number of deer in the preserve, let's break down the information given in the problem.

1. The conservationalist tagged 634 deer.
2. Later, she caught 342 deer.
3. Out of the 342 caught, 171 of them were already tagged.

To find the total number of deer in the preserve, we need to subtract the number of tagged deer caught from the total number of deer caught.

1. Subtract the number of tagged deer caught from the total number of deer caught: 342 - 171 = 171

Since the 171 deer caught were not tagged, we need to add this number to the initial number of tagged deer to find the total number of deer in the preserve.

2. Add the number of untagged deer caught to the initial number of tagged deer: 634 + 171 = 805

Hence, there are 805 deer in the preserve.

Breaking down the problem step by step and using logical reasoning helps to find the solution. Remember to carefully read and understand the given information in the problem before solving it.