A small turtle moves at a speed of 186 furlongs per fortnight. Find the speed of the turtle in centimeters per second. Note: 1 furlong = 220 yards, 1 yard = .9144 meters, and 1 fortnight = 14 days.

To find the speed of the turtle in centimeters per second, we need to convert the given speed from furlongs per fortnight to centimeters per second.

First, let's convert furlongs to yards.
1 furlong = 220 yards.

So, the turtle's speed is 186 furlongs per fortnight = 186 * 220 yards per fortnight.

Next, let's convert yards to meters.
1 yard = 0.9144 meters.

So, the turtle's speed is 186 * 220 * 0.9144 meters per fortnight.

Finally, let's convert fortnights to seconds.
1 fortnight = 14 days and 1 day = 24 hours = 24 * 60 * 60 seconds.

Therefore, the turtle's speed is 186 * 220 * 0.9144 / (14 * 24 * 60 * 60) meters per second.

Calculating this value, we find the speed of the turtle in centimeters per second.

To find the speed of the turtle in centimeters per second, we need to convert the given speed of 186 furlongs per fortnight to centimeters per second.

First, let's convert the distance from furlongs to centimeters. We know that 1 furlong is equal to 220 yards, and 1 yard is equal to 0.9144 meters.

Therefore, 1 furlong = 220 yards * 0.9144 meters = 201.168 meters.

Next, we need to find the total distance the turtle travels in one fortnight. Since the turtle's speed is given in furlongs per fortnight, we can multiply the speed by the number of furlongs in one fortnight.

There are 14 days in one fortnight, so we can multiply the speed of the turtle by 14 to get the total distance in furlongs.

186 furlongs per fortnight * 14 fortnights = 2604 furlongs.

Now, we can convert this distance to centimeters. We know that 1 furlong is equal to 201.168 meters, and 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters.

Therefore, 2604 furlongs * 201.168 meters * 100 centimeters = 525247872 centimeters.

Finally, we need to find the time it takes for the turtle to travel this distance. Since 1 fortnight is equal to 14 days, we can convert this to seconds by multiplying by 24 hours, 60 minutes, and 60 seconds.

14 days * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds = 1209600 seconds.

Now, we can calculate the speed of the turtle in centimeters per second by dividing the distance by the time.

525247872 centimeters / 1209600 seconds = 434.22 centimeters per second.

Therefore, the speed of the turtle is approximately 434.22 centimeters per second.

Speed of the turtle in centimeters per second = (186 furlongs/fortnight) x (220 yards/furlong) x (.9144 meters/yard) x (100 cm/meter) x (1 second/86400 seconds/day) x (14 days/fortnight)

Speed of the turtle in centimeters per second = 0.0014 cm/s