Tangent shapes touch or nearly touch the frame of __________or another element.

I think it's edge.

Idk it

To determine the answer to your question, you need to have a basic understanding of geometry and the concept of tangents.

A tangent is a straight line that touches a curve or a circle at just one point, without crossing it. In this case, when we talk about "tangent shapes," we are referring to geometrical shapes that are tangent to something else.

To identify which element tangent shapes touch or nearly touch the frame of, you first need to visualize the context in which these shapes are present. If you're referring to a specific scenario or image, it would be helpful to have that information. However, in a general sense, tangent shapes could touch or nearly touch the frame of various objects or elements.

For example:
- If you have a circle and a square frame, the tangent shape could be the circle that touches or nearly touches the square's frame.
- If you're dealing with a rounded object, such as a sphere, and it touches or nearly touches a rectangular frame, the tangent shape would be the rounded surface of the sphere that is in contact with the frame.
- In the case of a curved line or arc, it could be tangent to a straight line or the frame of a shape.

To find specific examples of tangent shapes, you would need to consider the geometry of the objects involved, and determine how they could be positioned in relation to each other.