Which pronouns would Alberto Yáñez, a professor from Spain, use to address or talk about the following people? In the spaces provided below, write the most appropriate pronoun. ¡OJO! Remember that Alberto is from Spain, which affects the pronouns he selects in certain situations.

1.Referring to students Alicia and Cristina

2. Talking to Mr. Gutiérrez

3.Referring to his brother Carlos

4.Talking to Mr. and Mrs. Morán

5.Talking to his two sons

6.Referring to himself

7.Talking to his wife

8.Referring to his wife

9. Referring to himself and three friends

10.Talking to his two daughters

can someone help me with these? I chose ellas for one and ella for number 8 can you help.

You use yo for I/me, tú for you (informal, as if you're talking to a friend), él when you mean him, ella for her, nosotros for we, ellos for a group of guys/or guys and girls, ellas for a group of girls only, Ud. for you (formal), Uds. for all of you. I will start you off and be glad to check the rest of your answers.

1. ellas
2. Ud. (you want to be formal here!)
3. él
Note the difference between referring to and talking to someone. Post the rest of your answers to be checked if you wish.

I remember doing the first one for you, but you need to do the rest of them.

In Spain, talking to 2 girls, a professor would use "vosotras."



Certainly! I can help you with these pronoun choices. In Spanish, the choice of pronouns can vary based on the region and personal preferences. However, I will provide you with the most common pronoun choices, considering that Alberto is from Spain. Here are the most appropriate pronouns for each situation:

1. Referring to students Alicia and Cristina:
- Alberto would use ellas, as it is the pronoun for a group of females.

2. Talking to Mr. Gutiérrez:
- Alberto would use usted, the formal singular pronoun.

3. Referring to his brother Carlos:
- Alberto would use él, as it is the pronoun for a singular male.

4. Talking to Mr. and Mrs. Morán:
- Alberto would use ustedes, the plural form of the formal pronoun, as it is a polite way to address both of them.

5. Talking to his two sons:
- Alberto would use vosotros, the familiar plural pronoun for a group that includes males.

6. Referring to himself:
- Alberto would use yo, which is the first person singular pronoun.

7. Talking to his wife:
- Alberto would use tú, the familiar singular pronoun, when addressing his wife.

8. Referring to his wife:
- Alberto would use ella, as it is the third person singular pronoun for a female.

9. Referring to himself and three friends:
- Alberto would use nosotros, as it represents the first person plural pronoun for a mixed-gender group.

10. Talking to his two daughters:
- Alberto would use vosotras, the familiar plural pronoun for a group that includes only females.

Please keep in mind that pronoun choices can vary depending on personal preferences and regional differences, but the ones provided here should be generally appropriate in a Spanish context.