Below are the steps to solve an equation:

Step 1: |x − 2| + 3 = 7
Step 2: |x − 2| = 7 − 3
Step 3: |x − 2| = 4

Which of the following is a correct next step to solve the equation?

x + 2 = −4

−x − 2 = 4

x + 2 = 4

x − 2 = −4

is it d

yes, it is, though I would have written it

-(x-2) = 4 (why might that be?)

Extra credit. What is a different correct step (not shown)?

You gotta put the 7 in the spot were in fits bruh

Below are the steps to solve an equation:

Step 1: |x − 2| + 3 = 7
Step 2: |x − 2| = 7 − 3
Step 3: |x − 2| = 4

Which of the following is a correct next step to solve the equation?

Yes, the correct next step to solve the equation |x − 2| = 4 is x - 2 = -4 (option d).

To explain why, let's go through the steps again:

Step 1: |x − 2| + 3 = 7
Step 2: |x − 2| = 7 − 3
Step 3: |x − 2| = 4

In step 2, we subtracted 3 from both sides of the equation to isolate the absolute value expression on the left side.

Now, to eliminate the absolute value, we need to consider two cases:

Case 1: (x - 2) ≥ 0
If (x - 2) is positive or zero, then |x - 2| = x - 2. So, we can rewrite the equation as (x - 2) = 4.

Case 2: (x - 2) < 0
If (x - 2) is negative, then |x - 2| = -(x - 2), because the absolute value of a negative number is its positive counterpart. Rewriting the equation, we get -(x - 2) = 4.

Now, let's solve for x in both cases:

Case 1: (x - 2) = 4
Simplifying this equation, we get x = 6.

Case 2: -(x - 2) = 4
Multiplying through by -1, we get -x + 2 = 4.
Simplifying this equation, we get -x = 2, and by multiplying both sides by -1, we get x = -2.

So, we have two possible solutions: x = 6 and x = -2.

Therefore, the correct next step to solve the equation |x − 2| = 4 is x - 2 = -4 (option d).