Why are the trunks of fruit trees painted with a mixture of copper sulphate and calcium hydroxide


Hey even i don't know why :v

The trunks of fruit trees are often painted with a mixture of copper sulphate and calcium hydroxide to protect them from various diseases and pests. This mixture is commonly known as Bordeaux mixture and has been used for many years in agriculture.

To understand why this mixture is used, let's break it down:

1. Copper Sulphate (CuSO4): It is a fungicide that helps control fungal diseases, such as peach leaf curl, apple scab, and brown rot. Copper sulphate disrupts the cell walls of fungi, preventing their growth and spread. It is particularly effective against diseases that affect the leaves and fruit of trees.

2. Calcium Hydroxide (Ca(OH)2): It acts as a protective barrier. When calcium hydroxide is mixed with water, it forms a solution called lime water, which has a high pH. This high pH creates an alkaline environment that inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi. Lime water also helps seal wounds on tree trunks, preventing the entry of pathogens, insects, and other pests.

Now, to apply Bordeaux mixture to fruit trees:

1. Prepare the mixture: Dissolve copper sulphate in water, stirring until it is fully dissolved. Then, in a separate container, mix calcium hydroxide with water to create lime water. Both copper sulphate and lime water should be mixed separately and not directly combined.

2. Combine the solutions: Gradually pour the copper sulphate solution into the lime water while stirring continuously. Continue stirring until a uniform solution is obtained.

3. Apply the mixture: Using a brush or sprayer, paint or spray the Bordeaux mixture onto the tree trunks, branches, and pruning wounds. It is best to apply it during the dormant season or just before bud break in early spring.

Important considerations:

- It is necessary to follow the recommended dosage and application instructions specified by agricultural experts or manufacturers.

- Bordeaux mixture should be used with caution, as excessive application or prolonged use may lead to copper accumulation in the soil, which can harm beneficial organisms.

- Always wear appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and goggles, when handling and applying any chemical mixture.

By using the Bordeaux mixture correctly, fruit tree farmers can protect their trees against diseases and pests, leading to healthier and more productive crops.